Potent Quotables
Yay! I've been invited!
I'd be more than happy to play both Friday and Saturday, so count me in on both.
Also, if anyone can remember any of those funny quotes we used to write down, please go ahead. I miss those. Right now, the only one I can remember is something along the lines of...
-"Is that a lake or a river?"
--"It's an item!!"
...which, of course, is what Matt's first post title refers to.
I'd be more than happy to play both Friday and Saturday, so count me in on both.
Also, if anyone can remember any of those funny quotes we used to write down, please go ahead. I miss those. Right now, the only one I can remember is something along the lines of...
-"Is that a lake or a river?"
--"It's an item!!"
...which, of course, is what Matt's first post title refers to.
I'll talk to you, probably Friday early evening, about Friday night. I probably need to keep it open to Stuffed COWS judges first, since I advertised it there. But as of this moment there's probably a spot.
Saturday, I'm definitely counting you as one of the players.
TT, at 3/11/05 12:04
"I didn't order any room service!"-probably the first quote we had when Narf noticed we were being robbed in the first mod of our group. I think I was in 7th grade then.
emperorryno, at 3/11/05 12:16
You mean when I thought initiative was a d6 roll, just like it was in 1st edition AD&D?
Improved Init really rocked!
TT, at 3/11/05 12:45
Yeah...I'm pretty sure everyone had Improved Init except for my break-dancing cleric of Pelor...who often got a 0 on initiative.
Matt, at 3/11/05 12:54
I believe you would have been in 8th grade when the group got started, Ryan. At least, that's where my calculations of what grade you would have been in 5 years ago got me.
My personal favorite quote will always be, "Don't worry, Ka'sala, we'll hurt you, I mean, help you!"
Anonymous, at 3/11/05 14:16
I recall the phrase "I prozaced the raven!"...
Amber #2, at 3/11/05 17:04
Oh...and the quote Tony is actually:
Kalen: "Is it a sea or a lake?"
Matt: "It's an item!!"
Matt, at 3/11/05 18:17
Tony, I'm now counting you officially "IN" for the game Friday night. 7pm. Be there or be ... harassed!
TT, at 3/11/05 20:04
I have the semi-new sheet of quotes (*shakes fist at mom*), and if anyone knows/can remember any from the original sheet besides the room-service one, let me know.
Some highlights from the quote sheet I have:
Silence is golden. Letting them speak is even more gold!
I said, "shimmering", I meant, "shivering"
Maybe I won't SUCK! (rolls a one) But I do.
Anonymous, at 3/11/05 20:24
Well, if PEOPLE (cough. .Kathy. .cough) would learn to put things away instead of dropping everything on her bedroom floor or leave it on the piano, she might have things. After I pick things up for the 20th time, I just figure no one wants it anymore and out it goes. That's why the deep purge of the home now.
Nurse Penguinladi, at 3/11/05 20:46
Well, actually, this was a computer file that got accidentally deleted. The original, hand-written quote sheet was recycled on purpose after it was typed up because the paper was falling apart.
Not that *I* believe it's your fault (or anyone's) that the file got deleted, Mom.
Anonymous, at 3/11/05 21:55
If I recall the old original quote-list that Ryan shared with me way back in 8th grade it also included:
Tim: You see a carpet of snow skirting the mountain.
Doug: I take the carpet and the skirt!
Amber #2, at 6/11/05 13:35
Yay! People remember things!
Tony, at 6/11/05 23:17
It's like a McDonald's... for the undead!!! (Doug)
Amber, at 7/11/05 13:36
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